N.C. Lammer, H. M. Ashraf, D. A. Ugay, S. L. Spencer, M. A. Allen, R. T. Batey, D. S. Wuttke, "", Scientific Reports,2023,

A. T. Barbour, D. S. Wuttke, "", Current Opinion in Structural Biology,2023,

C. L. Olson, A. T. Barbour, T. A. Wieser, D. S. Wuttke, "",Nucleic Acids Res,2023,doi:

H.R. Steiner, N.C. Lammer, R.T. Batey*, D.S. Wuttke*, "," *co-corresponding authors,Biochemistry,2022, doi: 10.1021/acs.biochem.2c00536

T.A. Wieser, D.S. Wuttke, "", Biochemistry,2022, doi:10.1021/acs.biochem.2c00504

A.J. Zaug, C.J. Lim*, C.L. Olson, M.T. Carilli, K.J. Goodrich, D.S. Wuttke*, T.R. Cech*, "" *co-corresponding authors,Nucleic Acids Research,2021, gkab942, doi:10.1093/nar/gkab942

N.R. Lloyd and D.S. Wuttke, “,” PLOS ONE, 2021,16(2): e0237956, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0237956

C.J. Lim, A.T. Barbour, A.J. Zaug, K.J. Goodrich,A.E. McKay, D.S. Wuttke*, and T.R. Cech*, *co-corresponding authors,Science,2020, 368(6495): 1081-1085, doi:10.1126/science.aaz9649

M.Y. Nakamoto, N.C. Lammer, R.T. Batey,* D.S. Wuttke,* "," *co-corresponding authors, Nucleic Acids Research, 2020,gkaa677, doi: 10.1093/nar/gkaa677

A.C. Carter, J. Xu, M.Y. Nakamoto, Y.W. Wei, B.J. Zarnegar, Q. Shi, J.P. Broughton, R.C. Ransom, A. Salhotra, S.D. Nagaraja, R. Li, D.R. Dou, K.E. Yost,S.W. Cho, A. Mistry, M.T. Longaker, P.A. Khavari, R.T. Batey, D.S. Wuttke, H.Y. Chang, ","eLIFE, 2020,9:e54508, doi:10.7554/eLife.54508.

Z.E. Holmes, D.J. Hamilton, T. Hwang, N.V. Parsonnet, J.L. Rinn, D.S. Wuttke* and R.T. Batey*, "," *co-corresponding authors, Nature Communications,2020, 11:1805, doi:10.1038/s41467-020-15571-8

M. Pashini, C.M. Reyes, A.E. Gillespie, E.K. Mandell, K. A. Lewis, L.W. Glustrom, T.O. Sharpee, D. S. Wuttke and V. Lundblad, "Replication fork collapse drives telomere homeostasis in wild type cells,” in revision.

M.Y. Nakamoto*, J. Rudolph*, D.S. Wuttke, and K. Luger, "," *co-first authors, Biochemistry,2019, 58(51):5107-5111, doi: 10.1021/acs.biochem.9b00986.

N.V. Parsonnet, N.C. Lammer, Z.E. Holmes, R.T. Batey*, and D.S. Wuttke*, "" *co-corresponding authors,Nucleic Acids Research,2019,doi: 10.1093/nar/gkz486.

K.A. Lewis, S.E. Altschuler, and D.S. Wuttke, ","Methods Mol Biol., 2019, 1855: 341-354.

L.W. Glustrom, K. Lyon, M. Paschini, C.M. Reyes, N.V. Parsonnet, T.B. Toro, V. Lundblad, and D. S. Wuttke, “,"Proc. Natl. Acad.Sci. USA,2018, 115(41): 10315-10320.

N. R. Lloyd and D. S. Wuttke, “,"Structure, 2018,26(5): 722-733.

M. A. McKercher, X. Guan, Z. Tan, and D. S. Wuttke, ","Proteins2018,86(2): 164-176.

R. A. Hom and D. S. Wuttke, “,"Biochemsitry2017, doi: 10.1021/acs.biochem.7b00584.

M. A. McKercher and D. S. Wuttke, “,” Methods in Molecular Biology, 2017, 1555, 291-305.

M. A. McKercher and D. S. Wuttke, “,” Methods in Molecular Biology, 2017, 1555, 269-290.

M. A. McKercher, X. Guan, Z. Tanand D. S. Wuttke, “,"Biochemistry,2017, 2225-2237.

N. R. Lloyd and D. S. Wuttke, “,” Biochemistry, 2016, 55, 5326-40.

A. Pinzaru, R. A. Hom, A. Beal, A. F. Philips, E. Ni, T. Cardozo, N. Nair, J. Choi, D. S. Wuttke, A. Sfeir, and E. L. Denchi, “,” Cell Rep., 2016, 15, 2170-84.

N. R. Lloyd and D. S. Wuttke, “,” Structure, 2014, 22, 1223-4.

T. H. Dickey and D. S. Wuttke, “,” Nucleic Acids Res., 2014, 42, 9656 – 65.

T. Rao, J. W. Lubin, G. S. Armstrong, T. M. Tucey, V. Lundblad, and D. S. Wuttke, “,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2014, 111, 214-8.

K. A. Lewis, D. A. Pfaff, J. N. Earley, S. E. Altschuler, and D. S. Wuttke, “,” Nucleic Acids Res., 2014, 42, 475-84.

T. H. Dickey, S. E. Altschuler and D. S. Wuttke, “,” invited review, Structure, 2013, 21, 1074-84.

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S. E. Altschuler, J. E. Croy, and D. S. Wuttke, “,” Biochemistry, 2012, 51, 7833-45.

K. A. Lewis and D. S. Wuttke, “,” Structure, 2012, 20, 28-39.

L. Jones Braun, A. M. Eldridge, J. Cummisky, K. Arthur, and Deborah S. Wuttke, “” J. Pharm. Sci., 2012, 101, 1391-9.

R. M. Mitton-Fry and D. S. Wuttke, “1H, 13C and 15N ,” J. Biomol. NMR, 2002, 22, 379-380.

S. E. Altschuler, T. H. Dickey, and D. S. Wuttke, “” Biochemistry, 2011, 50, 7503-15.

E. K. Mandell, A. D. Gelinas, D. S. Wuttke, V. Lundblad, “ Biochemistry, 2011, 50, 6289-91.

J. R. Alford, A. C. Fowler, D. S. Wuttke, B. A. Kerwin, R. F. Latypov, J. F. Carpenter, T. W. Randolph, “” J. Pharm. Sci., 2011, 100, 4215.

J. Lee, E. K. Mandell, T. Rao, D. S. Wuttke and V. Lundblad, “,” Nucleic Acids Res., 2010, 38, 2279-2290.

A. D. Gelinas, M. Paschini, F. E. Reyes, A. Héroux, R. T. Batey, V. Lundblad and D. S. Wuttke, “” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2009, 106, 19298-19303.

J. E. Croy, S. E. Altschuler, N. E. Grimm, and D. S. Wuttke, “,” Biochemistry, 2009, 48, 6864-6875.

J. E. Croy and D. S. Wuttke, “,” J. Mol. Biol., 2009, 387, 935-938.

D. C. Zappulla, J. N. Roberts, K. Goodrich, T. R. Cech, and D. S. Wuttke, “,” Nucleic Acid Res., 2009, 37, 354-367.

J. E. Croy, J. L. Fast, N. E. Grimm, and D. S. Wuttke, “, Biochemistry, 2008, 47, 4345-4358.

A. E. Eldridge and D. S. Wuttke, “,” Nucleic Acid Res., 2008, 36, 1624-33.

D. L. Theobald and D. S. Wuttke, “,” PLOS Comp. Biology, 2008, e43.

J. R. Alford, S. Kwok, J. N. Roberts, D. S. Wuttke, B. S. Kendrick, J. F. Carpenter, T. W. Randolph, “,” J. Pharm. Sciences, 2008, 97, 3035-50.

D. M. Strauss and D. S. Wuttke, “,” J. Virol., 2007, 6369-6378.

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J. R. Croy and D. S. Wuttke, “,” TIBS, 2006, 31, 516-525.

J. E. Croy, E. R. Podell, and D. S. Wuttke, “1-389”, J. Mol. Biol., 2006, 361, 80-93.

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A. M. Eldridge, W. A. Halsey, and D. S Wuttke, “,” Biochemistry, 2005, 45, 871-879.

D. L. Theobald and D. S. Wuttke, “ J. Mol. Biol., 2005, 354, 722-737.

S. A. Jacobs, E. R. Podell, D. S. Wuttke and T. R. Cech, “,” Protein Science, 2005, 14, 2051-2058.

D. L. Theobald and D. S. Wuttke, “” Structure, 2004, 12, 1877-1879.

D. S. Wuttke, “,” Structure, 2004, 12 55-356.

R. M. Mitton-Fry, E. M. Anderson, L. W. Glustrom, D. L. Theobald and D. S. Wuttke, “,” J. Mol. Biol., 2004, 338, 241-255.

D. L. Theobald, R. B Cervantes, V. Lundblad and D. S. Wuttke, “” Structure, 2003, 11, 1049-1050.

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E. M. Anderson and D. S. Wuttke, “,” Biochemistry, 2003, 42, 3751-3758.

D. L. Theobald, R. M. Mitton-Fry and D. S. Wuttke, “,” Annu. Rev. Biophys. and Biomol. Struct., 2003, 32, 115-33.

D. D. Ojennus, S. E. Lehto and D. S. Wuttke, “,” Protein Science, 2003, 12, 44–55.

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