Christine Weidinmyer
Research Professor • Air Quality

Office Location:Ìı·¡°­³¢°äÌı201

Research Interests

Emissions, air pollutants, air quality, biomass burning, public health​

Dr. Christine Wiedinmyer’s research is focused on the emissions of pollutants to the atmosphere and their downwind impacts. She has developed a modelÌıto predict pollutant emissions from biomass burning, open waste burningÌıand incomplete combustionÌısources. Dr. Wiedinmyer collaborates with others to investigate the impacts of these pollutant emissions, including air quality, climateÌıand public health impacts. Her studies span from the local Front Range area to around the globe.

Societal Impact

Air quality and climate problems cannot be solved without a clear understanding of the pollutants that cause these problems. Our research aims to provide essential inputs needed to develop effective strategies to reduce air pollution, mitigate climate change, and prevent public health problems.

Select Publications

  • Marais, EA and C Wiedinmyer (2016), Air Quality Impact of Diffuse and Inefficient Combustion Emissions in Africa (DICE-Africa). Environ. Sci. Technol. Version: 1 50 (19) 10739-10745, issn: 0013-936X, ids: DY1GC, doi: 10.1021/acs.est.6b02602, PubMed ID: 27611340

  • Wiedinmyer, C, RJ Yokelson and BK Gullett (2014), Global Emissions of Trace Gases, Particulate Matter, and Hazardous Air Pollutants from Open Burning of Domestic Waste. Environ. Sci. Technol. Version: 1 48 (16) 9523-9530, issn: 0013-936X, ids: AN6JW, doi: 10.1021/es502250z, PubMed ID: 25019173

  • Wiedinmyer, C, SK Akagi, RJ Yokelson, LK Emmons, JA Al-Saadi, JJ Orlando and AJ Soja (2011), The Fire INventory from NCAR (FINN): a high resolution global model to estimate the emissions from open burning. Geosci. Model Dev. Version: 1 4 (3) 625-641, issn: 1991-959X, ids: 826UD, doi: 10.5194/gmd-4-625-2011

  • Dickinson, KL, E Kanyomse, R Piedrahita, E Coffey, IJ Rivera, J Adoctor, R Alirigia, D Muvandimwe, M Dove, V Dukic, MH Hayden, D Diaz-Sanchez, AV Abisiba, D Anaseba, Y Hagar, N Masson, A Monaghan, A Titiati, DF Steinhoff, YY Hsu, R Kaspar, B Brooks, A Hodgson, M Hannigan, AR Oduro and C Wiedinmyer (2015), Research on Emissions, Air quality, Climate, and Cooking Technologies in Northern Ghana (REACCTING): study rationale and protocol. BMC Public Health Version: 1 15 , Art. No. 126, issn: 1471-2458, ids: CB6PS, doi: 10.1186/s12889-015-1414-1, PubMed ID: 25885780

  • Lacey, FG, EA Marais, DK Henze, CJ Lee, A van Donkelaar, RV Martin, MP Hannigan and C Wiedinmyer (2017), Improving present day and future estimates of anthropogenic sectoral emissions and the resulting air quality impacts in Africa. Faraday Discuss. Version: 1 200 397-412, issn: 1359-6640, ids: FE4TC, doi: 10.1039/c7fd00011a, PubMed ID: 28598475

Select Awards

  • The Walter Orr Roberts Lecturer in Interdisciplinary Sciences, American Meteorological Society, (2014)
  • 2014 Highly Cited Researchers, Thomson Reuters, (2014)
  • UCAR Diversity Award (2011)
