Boulder Climate
Average climate in Boulder, CO
The following graphs describe the average year (representing 1981-2010) in Boulder, CO in terms of temperature and precipitation.
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- Station ID: GHCND:USC00050848
- Coordinates: 39.9919N, 105.2667W, 1671.5 meters above mean sea level.
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- Raw data are from the U.S. Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN) and acquired from .
- Daily climate normals are computed for the 30 year period from 1981 to 2010.
- DLY-TMIN-NORMAL: Long-term averages of daily minimum temperature
- DLY-TMAX-NORMAL: Long-term averages of daily maximum temperature
- DLY-PRCP-PCTALL-GE001HI: Probability of precipitation >= 0.01 inches for 29-day windows centered on each day of the year (0.01 inches is the smallest unit for variables of this type in this data set)
- DLY-SNOW-PCTALL-GE001TI: Probability of snowfall >= 0.1 inches for 29-day windows centered on each day of the year (0.1 inches is the smallest unit for variables of this type in this data set)
- Plotted with MATLAB.