Here is a partial list of placements for graduates of our MA program.


  • Medical school, Rochester University
  • Ph.D. program in Philosophy, Duquesne Univeristy
  • Ph.D. program in Philosophy, University of baby直播app Boulder
  • Ph.D. program in Philosophy, University of Michigan


  • Ph.D. program in Philosophy, Yale University


  • Ph.D. program in Philosophy, Princeton University


  • Ph.D. program in Philosophy, University of baby直播app Boulder
  • Working in data analytics


  • Working in the environmental nonprofit sector


  • Ph.D. program in Philosophy, University of baby直播app Boulder
  • Ph.D. program in Philosophy, Washington University at St. Louis
  • Ph.D. program in Philosophy, Florida State University
  • Working in education


  • Ph.D. program in Philosophy, University of Western Ontario
  • Working in high tech


  • Ph.D. program in Philosophy, University of Rochester
  • Ph.D. program in Philosophy, University of Texas at Austin


  • Ph.D. program in Philosophy, U. of Western Ontario
  • Ph.D. program in Philosophy, U. of Washington, Seattle
  • Ph.D. program in Philosophy, U. of Minnesota, Twin Cities


  • Law school
  • High-tech industry
  • Ph.D. program in Philosophy, Florida State University
  • Ph.D. program in Philosophy, University of South Florida


  • Ph.D. program in Philosophy, U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
  • Ph.D. program in the College of Education, U. of baby直播app, Boulder
  • Ph.D. program in Philosophy, Florida State
  • Ph.D. program in Philosophy, U. of baby直播app, Boulder
  • Ph.D. program in Philosophy, U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor


  • Ph.D. program in Philosophy, U. of baby直播app, Boulder
  • Ph.D. program in Philosophy, Washington U. of St. Louis
  • Ph.D. program in Philosophy, U. of California, Santa Barbara


  • Law practice
  • Ph.D. program in Philosophy, U. of baby直播app, Boulder (later entered Ph.D. program in Philosophy at Notre Dame)
  • Ph.D. program in Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, U. of baby直播app, Boulder
  • Ph.D. program in Philosophy, U. of baby直播app, Boulder
  • Ph.D. program in Philosophy, U. of baby直播app, Boulder


  • Law school, U. of San Diego
  • Employed outside academia
  • Ph.D. program in Philosophy, U. of baby直播app, Boulder
  • Ph.D. program in Philosophy, U. of baby直播app, Boulder
  • M.A. program in Counseling, U. of baby直播app, Denver
  • Ph.D. program in Religious and Theological Studies, U. of Denver
  • Ph.D. program in Philosophy, U. Texas at Austin
  • Ph.D. program in Philosophy, U. of baby直播app, Boulder
  • Ph.D. program in Philosophy, U. of South Florida


  • Ph.D. program in Philosophy, U. of Illinois at Chicago
  • Ph.D. program in Philosophy, U. of Illinois at Chicago
  • Ph.D. program in Computer Science, U. of baby直播app at Denver
  • Ph.D. program in Philosophy, U. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Ph.D. program in Geography, U. of California at Berkeley


  • Teaching at Metro State and CU Denver
  • Ph.D. program in Philosophy, U. of baby直播app, Boulder (later entered Ph.D. program in Philosophy at U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor)
  • Ph.D program in philosophy, U. Maryland, College Park
  • Ph.D. program in Philosophy, SUNY Albany
  • Ph.D. program in Philosophy, SUNY Binghamton
  • Ph.D. program in Philosophy, U. of Hawaii, Manoa
  • Ph.D. program in Philosophy, U. of Utah


  • Ph.D. program in Philosophy, U. of baby直播app, Boulder


  • Ph.D. program in Philosophy, U. of baby直播app, Boulder
  • Ph.D. program in Philosophy, U. of Notre Dame
  • Ph.D. program in Philosophy, U. Texas at Austin
  • Ph.D. program in Philosophy, City University of New York, Graduate Center


  • Ph.D. program in Philosophy, Australian National University