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Strategic Facilities Visioning was a rigorous yearlong process led by Campus Architect Bill Haverly and Infrastructure and Sustainability Strategist Ida Mae Isaac that engaged stakeholders from across campus. The inclusive, cross-disciplinary approach helped ensureÌıa holistic view of individual program visions and how facilities will translate into support for them. The Chancellor’s Strategic Imperatives and Academic Futures providedÌıthe guiding principles from which we launchedÌıthis effort.

By integrating planning efforts from constituents across campus--colleges and schools, auxiliaries and support organizations--SFV aimed to build consensus around a university-first vision and identify opportunities for infrastructure investments. It soughtÌıscalable solutions that deliver enhanced student success and support the campus mission while simultaneously improving the efficiency and resiliency of our infrastructure. SFV also resulted inÌıa new dynamic facilities planningÌıtool that will enableÌıshort, medium and long-term decision making as the educational landscape evolves. All of this will help inform the next 10-year campus master plan update and help us meet the pressing needs of today while aligning with the vision for tomorrow.