Published: Dec. 21, 2017

This past year has been exceptional. I’m so proud of what we’ve accomplished together as a division, and there are a few events I’d like to acknowledge as 2017 comes to an end. 

This year saw the completion of our new Strategic Plan, featuring our priorities and focus areas of the division. Your participation, input and feedback were vital to the creation of the plan, and I look forward to the next three years as we work together on enhancing student success through engagement opportunities, effectively communicating our purpose and accomplishments to a variety of constituencies, and fostering sustainable resource management. 

I’d like to recognize a successful collaborative effort from the division this semester that had a positive impact on our campus community. The Supporting Student Resiliency Professional Development Series offered educational sessions on areas critical to student retention and success. These sessions gave babyÖ±²¥app and staff a valuable opportunity to develop concrete skills and earn a non-degree certificate. It’s imperative that we continue to educate ourselves to continue to support the needs of our current and future student populations, and I’m happy that Student Affairs is taking the lead to provide educational opportunities for our campus community and demonstrate our expertise. 

In another example of collaboration, our three winning teams of the short experiment grants are paving the way for innovation within the division. The Student Affairs Student Job Fair, the First Year Commuter Student Success Plan and the Sprit Friday Lunch and Learns were proposals that stood out as creative solutions to challenges and looked to further progress towards division and campus goals. I was extremely pleased with the number of creative and inspirational short experiment proposals we received, and look forward to more collaborative ideas as we move into the new year. 

Another achievement this year was the launch of our Redefining Student Support Initiative. By focusing on three key areas – Student Engagement, Health and Wellness, and Student Support and Development – we can ensure students are at the center of all that we do and our departments are working together with greater efficiency, flexibility and fluidity to serve our students holistically. 

Almost all departments this year saw in increase in the number of students they serve, and I can’t thank you enough for your hard work, continued dedication to our students and adaptability in order to provide the best service possible. Additionally, your participation and engagement, particularly with our initiatives and Town Halls, has been appreciated and demonstrates the strength of our division. As we look forward in building on our accomplishments in 2018, I wish you all a happy new year. 

With gratitude for all that you do, 
Christina Gonzales